Tetris Theme

Korobeiniki - Rearranged

"Korobeiniki" (lit. 'The Peddlers') is a nineteenth-century Russian folk song which was first mentioned in 1898 by a composer named Yakov Prigozhy, that tells the story of a meeting between a peddler and a girl, describing their haggling over goods in a metaphor for seduction.

Outside Russia, "Korobeiniki" is widely known as the Tetris theme tune, from its appearance in Nintendo's Game Boy version of the game (titled "A-Type") as arranged by the Japanese composer Hirokazu Tanaka in 1989.

The song "Korobeiniki" is based on a poem of the same name by Nikolay Nekrasov, which was first printed in the Sovremennik magazine in 1861. Its increasing tempo and the dance style led to it quickly becoming a popular Russian folk song.

Read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korobeiniki

Notes by: https://musescore.com/user/33617769

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