Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Rondo Alla Turca - Piano Sonata No. 11, A major, KV 331

The Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major, K. 331 / 300i, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a piano sonatain three movements. 

The sonata was published by Artaria in 1784, alongside Nos. 10 and 12 (K. 330 and K. 332).

The third movement of this sonata, the "Rondo alla Turca", or "Turkish March", is often heard on its own and regarded as one of Mozart's best-known piano pieces.

The sonata consists of three movements:

  1. Andante grazioso, Adagio, Allegro

  2. Menuetto Allegretto

  3. Alla turca – Allegretto

All of the movements are in the key of A major or A minor; therefore, the work is homotonal. A typical performance of this entire sonata takes about 20 minutes.

The last movement, marked Alla turca, popularly known as the "Turkish Rondo" or "Turkish March", is often heard on its own and is one of Mozart's best-known piano pieces.

Read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piano_Sonata_No._11_(Mozart)

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