Christian Sinding

Frühlingsrauschen - Rustle of Spring Op. 32, No. 3

Frühlingsrauschen, Op. 32, No. 3 ('Rustle of Spring') is a solo piano piece written by the Norwegian composer Christian Sinding (1856–1941) in 1896. It is Sinding's most popular piece of music. It is written in Salon style as a piece meant for entertainment. It was very popular in the United States.

Bearing the expression marking agitato, much of the piece is played with a rapid arpeggio in the right hand part, while the left hand carries the melody. The work's title indicates that its sense of constant motion is symbolic of the excited restlessness of springtime. The score has some technically challenging sections, but is, for the most part, easier to play than it sounds, with most of the rapidity made up of simply arpeggiated passages.

For its popularity and ability to impress, the piece is a common part of many pianists' repertoires.

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